Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Certified IBA!

Certified that I have an Iron Butt! (no you did not misread that).

Got an email today from the IBA (Iron Butt Association - )

Hello Kurien.

I've just verified your ride and can confirm that it's all OK.  Well done and welcome to the IBA UK!

Your 'official' stats are 827miles in 22hrs 40mins.

IBA UK president, Philip Weston, will e-mail you shortly with regard to certification and payment and to allocate your IBA number.

I hope we shall be seeing you at some of our events.  we hold regular "Rides to Eat", both in the UK and in Europe, as well as rallies of varying lengths.  You can find out what's going on by looking on our website HERE, and on the UK forum HERE.

"Welcome to Insanity!"

Verifier, IBA UK

So now the wait starts to get my IBA number :) and do more rides. As they say - insanity is addictive :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Named the bike!

I have a blue BMW 1200 GS.  For over a year, tried many names including Bluey, Wasser, Ganges, Matilda, and many German names ... but nothing stuck.

On a recent flight, watched "Dances with Wolves" for the umpteenth time - and then the penny dropped - Tatanka. That is what I will call my bike.

Not so much that the bike is like a wild bufallo, but 'tatanka' was the first word spoken in the contact between Dunbar and the Indians. That initial word, then led to long lasting friendship.

That is what my motorcycle helps me to do - meet up with new people, and create long lasting friendships.  Even if you do not speak or understand the language, the motorcycle becomes the talking point and then leads to many more interesting conversations.

Here's wishing and praying for many more safe miles on Tatanka!